We set you up ... we make the updatesYou'll never have to worry
that your site is out-of-date again.

Your Website
First, we get you set up with an awesome, all-device responsive website.

  1. We'll send you a form that walks you through the process, from selecting the template to generating the content.
  2. Then we'll create your website and populate it with the information you've sent to us.
  3. You'll be live within five business days from the time you submit the information.

Then you pretty much just sit back and relax while we keep your site up-to-date.

The Updates

  1. Each week ... or month, depending on your plan ... we'll send you an email form that reminds you to provide us with the newest news, images, sermon links, newsletters, etc. The email will also remind you of any upcoming holidays and events that you might want to take advantage of.
  2. You complete the form and send us the images, files, links, etc.
  3. We'll upload them and keep your site ship-shape and up to date.

1 – 2 – 3 ... It really is that easy!